
Benefits of Having a Good Night’s Sleep

“Sleep is the golden chain that ties health and our bodies together.” 
– Thomas Dekker,

Quality sleep is incredibly important to maintain a high level of efficiency and consistently positive behavior. Unfortunately, in today’s technology-driven world, getting a few hours to close our eyes is nothing short of a rarely-seen gift. As obligations and responsibilities continue to pile on, making it a habit to get six or less hours of sleep, it seems as though they do not give much thought to the poor quality of their slumber and how it affects their productivity and wellbeing..

Though you may not be noticing drastic changes within yourself after getting less sleep, studies have shown that sleep is a major contributor behind stamina, energy acquisition, and performance level for some cerebral activities. The lack of quality rest often negatively affects one’s mental and physical stability, which is a leading reason for why this pervasive problem needs to be addressed.

Why Is Quality Sleep Important?

Poor Sleep Is Linked to Obesity:
As proven on numerous occasions, insufficient sleep within adults has a direct correlation with obesity rates. People who usually sleep for a lesser duration tend to gain more weight than those who receive an adequate amount of good quality sleep, showing how poor sleep causes negative outcomes beyond just being tired. Fortunately, modifying your sleep schedule might be just the thing you are looking for to shed a few pounds, so make sure to check the adequate sleep box.

Improved Immune System:
Do you find that you get sick easily and succumb to headaches and fevers often? Well, the reason for this may be because you are not receiving sufficient sleep, meaning that your body is not generating enough energy and your immune system is weaker as a result. In contrast, getting quality sleep boosts your immune system and allows your body to build tolerance and become stronger. This is proven by studies that show that people who sleep less than seven hours are three times more likely to develop a common cold than people who sleep hours more.

Poor Sleep Affects Emotions and Behavior:
A reduced amount of sleep also reduces one’s ability to think through and analyze issues and obstacles that they are faced with due to them having less cerebral capacity when sleep-deprived. In addition, the tiredness and dismay from poor sleep can lead to emotional and social instability, which negatively impacts how you treat yourself and others around you.

How Do You Get a Good Night’s Sleep?

Daytime Care:
Though it may not seem like it, our activities during the daytime have a large impact on how well we are able to sleep during the night. There are many simple changes you can make to your daily schedule to ensure that you are setting yourself up for success during your sleep, such as regularly being exposed to sunlight for at least 30 minutes a day. This is beneficial because it allows our body to produce Vitamin D and helps to keep us healthy. Another suggestion to keep in mind is the avoidance of a large amount of caffeine and nicotine during the day. Consuming too much of these substances will keep you awake and prevent you from falling asleep later in the day.

Before Bed:
There are also numerous measures one can take right before going to bed, which all help with relaxation and boosting tiredness. It is advised to avoid foods and drinks like alcohol, coffee, and chocolate before going to sleep, because they are known for keeping people up and limiting tiredness. Another helpful suggestion is to dim the lights in your home in the evening to let your body know that bedtime is getting close. One should also make a habit of reading, listening to music, journaling, or taking a hot bath before sleeping to help calm the mind and body.

Of course, there are final steps that you should take at bedtime in order to ensure a productive and restful slumber. It is advised to maintain a cool and dark bedroom in order to prevent restlessness from light or heat and keep electronic devices away from your bed to avoid distractions or harmful radiation. You should also keep yourself from overthinking anything while in bed because the increased brain activity will just prevent you from falling asleep. Finally, the best method to achieve quality sleep is to maintain a consistent sleep schedule. Our bodies have a natural pattern and if you fall asleep and wake up at the same time every day, your minds will gradually match that rhythm.

After reading this article, it may sound like receiving sufficient, quality sleep is the answer to all your problems and while it may not be as straightforward as that, sleep is definitely important to be healthy and happy. Start your sleep journey today by adjusting your daily routine, ruling certain foods out of your diet, and establishing a regular nighttime routine to achieve high quality sleep.

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