Black tea is a popular beverage which is made from the leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant. It can be drunk either hot or cold, and also contains less caffeine compared to coffee. Black tea leaves go through various processes before being used for tea production including wilting, bruising, rolling, and oxidation. In the process of oxidation, the leaves are exposed to moist and oxygen-rich air, which changes the color of the leaves from green to black. Besides the fascinating production methods of black tea, the drink is also extremely rich in antioxidants and compounds, meaning that the beverage comes with numerous health benefits.
Black tea is full of antioxidants, which helps decrease the risk of chronic disease in the body. The main sources of antioxidants within black tea are catechins, theaflavins, and origins, which all promote improved health.
Reduced Risk of Cancer
Though it is true that some cancer types are non-preventable, studies conducted by National Cancer Institute (NCI) propose that black tea decreases the risk of tumor growth due to the polyphenols within the beverage. These polyphenols drastically decrease the risk of skin, lung, and breast cancer.
Stress Relief
Black tea is also known for reducing the frequency of the stress hormone, cortisol, in our bodies when the drink is consumed regularly. Black tea helps people relax and calm down, which is why it is so beneficial to drink when one has had a stressful day. Furthermore, studies state that the amino acid, L-Theanine, found in black tea helps to improve concentration levels and reduce stress.
Improved Immune System
Black tea contains substances called tannins that aid in fighting viruses in our bodies. To elaborate, tannins are effective against the stomach flu, Influenza, and other common viruses that often infect our bodies. Alkylamine antigens that help boost our immune response are also found in black tea.
Reduced Risk of Diabetes
Studies propose that consuming black tea might be the key to reducing the risk of diabetes. Based on a research study conducted on elderly people, those who consume a moderate amount of black tea on a long-term basis have a 70% lower chance of having type 2 diabetes.
Oral Health
According to the Tea Trade Health Research Association, black tea restricts and counters bacterial growth which, in turn, prevents the formation of cavities and tooth decay. It also reduces plaque formation, resulting in cleaner and healthier teeth.
Improved Bone Health
As people become older, the strength of their bones begins to weaken, which makes it all the more important to consume beneficial substances like black tea. This is proven by scientists who repeatedly state that drinking various types of tea improves bone density. With this, we can also assume that drinking black tea can reduce the risk of fractures that are most commonly present in the elderly population. Studies recommend that incorporating black tea as a part of all of our diets is an important step to preserve bone density and prevent the risk of fractures.