The Coronavirus
Most commonly known as the COVID-19, the ‘novel’ coronavirus is a new form of a virus that branches from the same genre of viruses such as SARS; which stands for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. Stemming from the city of Wuhan, China this virus has turned into a pandemic. As of now, there is no vaccine available that treats COVID-19.
What is a pandemic?
A pandemic is a disease that has spread globally. According to the World Health Organization, a pandemic is defined as a “global outbreak of a disease for which there is no immunity in humans.” As of now, the Coronavirus is a pandemic that has taken thousands of lives and affected millions of people. In such times, one must protect themselves and their loved ones from falling prey to the illness.
How to protect yourself and your loved ones from COVID-19?
The virus is said to exist in the form of droplets. While more research is in process, medical professionals stated that a virus only activates once it enters the body of a living organism. Here are a few precautionary measures that will help protect you and your loved ones from the Coronavirus:
- The best way to stay safe and prevent transmission of the virus to you or your family is to stay well informed about the nature of the virus.
- Practice social distancing. Since the virus is contagious, one must maintain a distance of 6 feet from other people who may or may not be infected. Do not shake hands or hug others as hands touch surfaces that could be infected by the virus.
- Sanitize everything as much as you can. Disinfect surfaces that come into human contact such as doorknobs, tables, keyboards, etc.
- Wash your hands frequently with soap and water as the soap helps kill the virus organism.
- Do not touch your nose, face or eyes with dirty hands.
- Wear a glove and mask when stepping outdoors.
- When it comes to social contact such as picking deliveries, handling cash, visiting the supermarket take extra precautions. Maintain the required distance and wash everything once you get home. Choose card payments over direct cash handling.
- Protect your loved ones by not visiting them! Social distancing is a key tool to help prevent the spread of this virus.
- Since the virus takes 1-14 days to reveal its symptoms, self-isolation is mandatory if you have come into contact with anyone who has tested positive for the virus.
If you have been tested positive for the COVID-19 disease, adopt self-isolation for 2 weeks. Whether you can do this at home, or require a quarantine facility to stop the spread of this disease by maintaining a distance from your family, friends, and strangers. Since the virus can be transferred through the cough or sneeze of an infected person, social contact acts as a crucial factor when it comes to the spread of this pandemic.